

Just opened this blog, yet moved!

I've decided to switch from Blogger to Wordpress. Sorry for the confusion!

New Blog.

Automatic Heute-Journal Download

"Heute-Journal" is a german late-night news show on ZDF. You can watch their shows for free both live and on demand at the ZDF-Mediathek.
On Linux you can play them if you've VLC- and Flash-plugins for your browser. But in mine (Firefox-2, 64-bit) it's not possible to pause or forward the playback. That's the reason why I've wrote a small bash script, which downloads yesterday show's mms-link and then uses mplayer to dump the stream into a file. After 5 seconds of downloading the stream, VLC starts an plays the dumpfile.


YESTERDAY=`date -d yesterday +"%y%m%d"`


#Catch direct-link
wget -O $DLINK $ASX
#Extract direct-link
LINK=`sed "s/.*href=\"\(mms.*\.wmv\)\".*/\1/" hj_link`

mplayer -dumpstream $LINK -dumpfile heute-journal.wmv & (sleep 5 && vlc $HJNAME &)

Till now, I haven't figured out, how to tell mplayer to read the .asx-file, so I've to extract the mms-link by myself with sed.

UPDATE: I'm sorry, this Blogger-templates eats my long lines. Here's a Nopaste.


Virtual Reality

This is a test image to check the workflow between Picasa (Linux) and Blogger. For all who are interested: You can see a person wearing shutter-spectacles and sitting on a small kart-dummy. He's in a Virtual Reality Cave with four projectionwalls. The images on the walls flickers with 60Hz alternating for the left and for the right eye. In this time (60 times per second) the shutter-spectacles shut the sight for this eye; so the right eye only sees whats for the right eye and the left one likewise.

What's this good for? -> You can see really 3-dimensional!

Fourther information is aviable at http://cg.fh-wedel.de/vrlab/cave/index.html
Posted by Picasa

NoPaste over shell with "sprunge"

With sprunge.us you can pipe an output of a shellapplication to its nopaste-webservice. It returns the URL of the pasting at sprunge.
Look at the homepage to see its manpage!

My rating: 4 of 5 Nerds =)


Okay, I'm a blogger again. Well, but this time this blog is not a real blog, its purpose is more like a personal notepad, like the name.

AND: I'll try my best in writing in english. Not because I'm so good in it, just only to improve my skills in expressing myself. In speech, I can handle it quite good, but not in writing...
So, if you want to help me: Please leave a comment and help me by correcting my mistakes!
